
收藏本版 (142)

高清电影 今日: 7 |主题: 6909|排名: 1 

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[科幻] 《沙丘》Dune (2021) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-10-24 0385 Mario 2021-11-6 11:33
[科幻] 《冲击波》Shock Waves (1977) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...23 Mario 2017-12-6 231702 littleeast 2021-11-5 12:09
[科幻] 《芬奇》Finch (2021) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-11-5 0253 Mario 2021-11-5 12:01
[科幻] 《末日深眠》Air (2015) [中英字幕/1.8G] attachment 海盗猫 2015-9-24 42031 apparition444 2021-11-4 09:20
[科幻] 《源代码/危机解密/启动原始码》Source Code (2011) [576P/720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..27 Mario 2017-8-16 26115750 seapipi 2021-11-3 02:03
[科幻] 《半条命》Atomica (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2017-9-22 94891 palyboys 2021-11-1 09:14
[科幻] 《老师不是人/夺命高校》The Faculty (1998) [1080P] attachment  ...23 Mario 2017-6-23 262955 dededt 2021-10-31 15:11
[科幻] 《虚拟革命/虚拟世界》Virtual Revolution (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...23 Mario 2017-10-10 244025 yanfeng0128 2021-10-30 00:02
[科幻] 《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) [720P/1080P/4K/3D] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..47 Mario 2017-7-8 46753567 hegulong 2021-10-29 20:06
[科幻] 《超级怪兽》Superbeast (1972) [1080P] attachment  ...23 Mario 2016-4-29 211790 德道高深 2021-10-26 13:09
[科幻] 《X战警:天启》X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) [720P/1080P/4K/3D] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..40 Mario 2016-7-19 39643111 Echo. 2021-10-25 10:17
[科幻] 《猩球崛起》Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2016-2-5 395808 arthurcl 2021-10-17 12:58
[科幻] 《超人归来》Superman Returns (2006) [576P/720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 Mario 2016-3-31 11413950 lis0219 2021-10-7 17:10
[科幻] 《银翼杀手》Blade Runner (1982) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 Mario 2017-11-1 8912739 sd4501393 2021-10-4 11:50
[科幻] 《异形4》Alien: Resurrection (1997) [576P/720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 Mario 2016-7-12 11111120 tang8199295 2021-10-2 02:36
[科幻] 《独立日/ID4星际终结者/天煞-地球反击战》Independence Day (1996) [576P/720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 Mario 2016-5-5 10111415 bigbear4836 2021-9-23 07:58
[科幻] 《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) [720P/1080P/4K/3D] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..21 Mario 2016-6-28 20925208 aaa5544 2021-9-16 23:21
[科幻] 《黑盒子》Black Hollow Cage (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2018-6-2 605532 zsj715 2021-9-9 11:54
[科幻] 《天际浩劫2》Beyond Skyline (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 Mario 2017-12-16 10323179 唐哥影视 2021-9-7 23:03
[科幻] 《全球风暴/人造天劫/气象战》Geostorm (2017) [720P/1080P/3D] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..31 Mario 2017-11-20 30445251 nicailiu 2021-9-4 20:58
[科幻] 《8号警报》Code 8 (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 Mario 2019-12-18 17810498 yingpan123 2021-9-3 23:22
[科幻] 《绝命电视》Await Further Instructions (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-10-5 111544 fireball-z 2021-8-22 10:42
[科幻] 《瞄准》The Sighting (2015) [1080P] attachment  ...2345 Mario 2016-8-25 455183 大脚人 2021-8-6 00:25
[科幻] 《黑寡妇》Black Widow (2021) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-7-10 3398 Mario 2021-7-31 23:36
[科幻] 《明日之战》The Tomorrow War (2021) [720P/1080P/4K] [中文字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-7-8 1389 HappyJoe 2021-7-17 19:41
[科幻] 《移动迷宫2》Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2015-11-4 338026 七合吧 2021-7-12 00:19
[科幻] 《侏罗纪世界》Jurassic World (2015) [720P/1080P/2160P] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 海盗猫 2015-8-9 31236629 arthurcl 2021-7-11 18:44
[科幻] 《大黄蜂》Bumblebee (2018) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..114 Mario 2019-1-19 113447472 erzhongzz 2021-6-4 16:37
[科幻] 《世界大战/世界之战》War of the Worlds (2005) [576P/720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 Mario 2016-9-26 11011581 zhangzhaofu175 2021-6-2 10:19
[科幻] 《超体》Lucy (2014) [576P/720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..31 海盗猫 2015-9-11 30423546 fireball-z 2021-5-28 08:14
[科幻] 《扎克·施奈德版正义联盟》Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-3-19 3470 sleepy 2021-5-24 13:44
[科幻] 《末日逃生》Greenland (2020) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2020-11-20 1256 jipijun 2021-5-6 20:14
[科幻] 《怪兽:黑暗大陆》Monsters: The Dark Continent (2014) [中英字幕/1.43G] attachment  ...2 海盗猫 2015-9-24 192267 tianyanbin 2021-5-6 20:11
[科幻] 《寄生异形》Спутник (2020) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 Mario 2020-8-17 27520776 lsg642 2021-4-27 18:45
[科幻] 《杀死指挥官/杀戮指令》Kill Command (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2345 Mario 2016-5-14 447336 yumyth 2021-4-16 20:15
[科幻] 《超级鲨大战机器鲨》Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark (2014) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...23 Mario 2017-5-19 263241 quer 2021-4-16 08:19
[科幻] 《异星觉醒/外星生命/异星智慧》Life (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2017-3-31 6816805 djmoney927 2021-4-15 01:13
[科幻] 《这个男人来自地球:全新纪》The Man from Earth: Holocene (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-1-17 286652 arthurcl 2021-4-12 20:12
[科幻] 《芳龄十六》Level 16 (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 Mario 2019-3-12 966181 xgcc 2021-4-12 17:54
[科幻] 《人造怪物》MONSTERS of MAN (2020) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..30 Mario 2020-12-8 29815770 dededt 2021-4-12 00:01
[科幻] 《短波》Shortwave (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-10-24 143874 gl1982 2021-4-7 07:55
[科幻] 《时光穿梭》Time Lapse (2014) [中英字幕/1.25G] Mario 2015-6-12 71903 ghy2nan 2021-4-4 15:59
[科幻] 《哥斯拉大战金刚》Godzilla vs Kong (2021) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-4-2 2180 铳梦00001 2021-4-4 00:40
[科幻] 《正义联盟》Justice League (2017) [720P/1080P/4K/3D] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..67 Mario 2017-12-22 66879439 nicexiang 2021-4-1 00:50
[科幻] 《超能计划》Project Power (2020) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..33 Mario 2020-8-14 32322532 ricky0208 2021-3-18 17:29
[科幻] 《明日边缘》Edge of Tomorrow (2014) [576P/720P/1080P/3D] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 Mario 2015-6-14 757110 cecilia390 2021-3-8 00:08
[科幻] 《寄生兽》Parasyte: Part 1 (2014) [480P/576P/720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2015-11-7 347034 dddyx 2021-2-28 19:41
[科幻] 《胜利号》승리호 (2021) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-2-5 0267 Mario 2021-2-12 18:21
[科幻] 《同步》Synchronic (2019) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2021-1-21 0189 Mario 2021-1-21 21:45
[科幻] 《猎杀星期一》What Happened to Monday (2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 Mario 2017-8-19 13123300 Bobbie69 2021-1-19 20:20
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