
收藏本版 (142)

高清电影 今日: 7 |主题: 6901|排名: 1 

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[恐怖] 《魔偶奇谭:至小帝国》Puppet Master: The Little Reich (2018) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-9-29 31403 hlwhl 2020-3-10 01:19
[恐怖] 《招魂2/诡屋惊凶实录2/厉阴宅2》The Conjuring 2 (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 Mario 2016-6-12 9417888 ywzjxqt 2020-3-6 13:16
[恐怖] 《樱桃/时尚樱桃》CherryTree (2015) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2016-4-8 62118 hlwhl 2020-3-5 03:57
[恐怖] 《床下有人2》Under The Bed 2 (2014) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment 海盗猫 2016-4-7 11284 LeoDragneel 2020-3-5 00:04
[恐怖] 《短柄斧4》Victor Crowley (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-2-22 123688 lyg168 2020-3-3 12:05
[恐怖] 《异形魔怪5:血脉》Tremors 5: Bloodline (2015) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 海盗猫 2015-10-15 174096 gzjangel 2020-3-2 12:19
[恐怖] 《咒怨:终结的开始》呪怨 終わりの始まり (2014) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-3-20 182437 jqlxrgs 2020-2-28 17:04
[恐怖] 《恐怖猎夫:完结篇》A Room to Die For (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2017-4-4 73347 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-22 10:44
[恐怖] 《地狱之门:耶路撒冷》JeruZalem (2016) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2016-3-14 153955 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-22 10:37
[恐怖] 《辣手保姆》The Babysitter (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2017-10-16 94968 天朗明 2020-2-17 17:12
[恐怖] 《碟仙之毕业照》(2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment Mario 2017-7-13 82032 时间埃里克 2020-2-17 16:41
[恐怖] 《南部僵尸来袭》Kudzu Zombies (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-3-5 154070 gzjangel 2020-2-16 11:07
[恐怖] 《布莱尔女巫/追杀厄夜丛林》Blair Witch (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2016-12-21 92452 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-14 12:58
[恐怖] 《女劫》XX (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2017-2-17 205089 zycxjl 2020-2-13 11:10
[恐怖] 《在黑暗中讲述的恐怖故事》Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2019-10-28 675600 zjkubi 2020-2-11 06:17
[恐怖] 《小丑回魂》It (2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 Mario 2017-10-16 13822634 bsbs1136 2020-2-10 19:26
[恐怖] 《夜半凶铃》(2017) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-8-31 102588 玩物尚志 2020-2-8 18:59
[恐怖] 《恐怖毕业照2》(2017) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-9-20 112527 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-8 10:35
[恐怖] 《夜盗珍妃墓》The Night Robbery (1989) [1080P] [国语无字] attachment  ...23 Mario 2016-4-11 273284 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-8 10:25
[恐怖] 《恐怖电影院2》(2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment Mario 2017-11-24 93848 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-5 09:36
[恐怖] 《返校》Detention (2019) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2020-1-23 1218 铳梦00001 2020-1-24 20:47
[恐怖] 《恶灵入侵》The Possession (2012) [中英字幕/1.4G] attachment 海盗猫 2015-8-17 21786 tdffg 2019-11-17 07:31
[恐怖] 《战斧骨》Bone Tomahawk (2015) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 海盗猫 2015-11-4 103472 hnkele 2019-11-9 10:12
[恐怖] 《安娜贝尔3:回家》Annabelle Comes Home (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2019-8-14 2262 铳梦00001 2019-11-8 20:05
[恐怖] 《死寂逃亡》The Silence (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2019-11-8 058 Mario 2019-11-8 19:33
[恐怖] 《26种死法/死亡邪典》The ABCs of Death (2012) [720P/1080P] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2016-4-16 638477 dededt 2019-11-7 16:44
[恐怖] 《三层楼的女孩》Girl on the Third Floor (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2019-10-28 363446 AmoXomA 2019-11-7 12:38
[恐怖] 《恶意/恶灵之家》Hush (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-10-6 51256 zhuoqiwei5010 2019-11-4 17:20
[恐怖] 《死圈》The Dead Center (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2019-10-23 161691 cect2007 2019-11-1 09:43
[恐怖] 《噩梦娃娃屋》Incident in a Ghost Land (2018) [1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-6-16 234289 hengye 2019-10-27 22:21
[恐怖] 《7:02死亡派对》7:02 Only the Righteous (2018) [720P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2019-5-12 262548 kafeidoud33 2019-10-22 09:13
[恐怖] 《东京食尸鬼 真人版》東京喰種トーキョーグール (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456 Mario 2018-1-21 5510756 jqlxrgs 2019-10-19 15:50
[恐怖] 《28号小屋》Cabin 28 (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-3-13 31545 kafeidoud33 2019-10-17 11:12
[恐怖] 《鬼娃回魂》Child's Play (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2019-9-15 221880 shenmu22 2019-9-20 21:44
[恐怖] 《陌生人2》Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-22 72932 5hao24 2019-9-20 00:36
[恐怖] 《罗伯特玩偶的复仇》The Revenge of Robert the Doll (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-3-28 122017 ykcxwwh 2019-9-19 08:13
[恐怖] 《五音不全》Tone-Deaf (2019) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2019-8-23 161895 kakamal 2019-8-28 22:08
[恐怖] 《食人魔王》Big Top Evil (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2019-8-27 202383 elton 2019-8-28 13:34
[恐怖] 《咒怨:完结篇》呪怨 ザ・ファイナル (2015) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2015-11-18 183696 chimeiniao 2019-8-27 21:13
[恐怖] 《寄宿学校》Boarding School (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-8-31 276925 alexliuchang 2019-8-18 09:34
[恐怖] 《昆池岩/疯人院逐个捉/鬼病院:灵异直播》곤지암 (2018) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] - [VIP]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..19 Mario 2018-5-1 18019251 ahwhqsh 2019-8-15 21:33
[恐怖] 《异教徒》The Heretics (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-5-31 52489 zsj715 2019-8-15 00:08
[恐怖] 《虚空/空虚》The Void (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2017-4-7 83940 OldTon 2019-8-14 08:49
[恐怖] 《女哭声》여곡성 (2018) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...23456 Mario 2018-11-21 514437 小哆哆 2019-7-25 22:49
[恐怖] 《死亡占卜2:恶灵始源》Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2016-11-5 73300 suian 2019-7-4 09:27
[恐怖] 《他们发现了地狱》They Found Hell (2015) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2016-4-30 113733 JIEqy 2019-7-3 13:29
[恐怖] 《让她走/双生姊魅》Let Her Out (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-6-1 124005 hqiaoqq 2019-7-1 00:23
[恐怖] 《僵尸启示录2》Apocalypse (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-4 192693 shikelang 2019-6-27 12:07
[恐怖] 《噩梦电影》Nightmare Cinema (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2019-6-21 131440 1310550399 2019-6-23 00:01
[恐怖] 《双头恶魔》The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant (1971) [720P/1080P] attachment 海盗猫 2016-8-20 42817 raylwm 2019-6-2 16:03
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