
收藏本版 (142)

高清电影 今日: 5 |主题: 6908|排名: 2 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[恐怖] 《神赐之礼》Charismata (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-9-4 183634 bcfen 2018-11-15 20:33
[恐怖] 《午夜幽灵》(2018) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment Mario 2018-11-13 91083 181008006 2018-11-14 08:50
[恐怖] 《灵动:鬼影实录2》Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) [576P/720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2015-12-17 22485 1185523245 2018-11-9 17:48
[恐怖] 《失眠》(2017) [720P/1080P] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment Mario 2017-8-23 64927 hkxiazai 2018-11-4 08:33
[恐怖] 《瘦长鬼影》Slender Man (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-10-16 172229 wzy12765 2018-11-1 13:28
[恐怖] 《邪恶校园》The School (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-10-28 1775 elton 2018-10-28 21:08
[恐怖] 《黑暗》The Dark (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-10-26 41384 renzhe888521 2018-10-28 17:42
[恐怖] 《窥视之眸》のぞきめ (2016) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-8-31 12720 paulwy2018 2018-10-26 10:38
[恐怖] 《幽冥时代2》Tales from the Hood 2 (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-10-21 71216 cbc528 2018-10-25 19:54
[恐怖] 《咒语》The Incantation (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment 海盗猫 2018-9-30 81343 shui870505 2018-10-13 13:48
[恐怖] 《人体蜈蚣3》The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015) [中英字幕/4.36G] attachment agree 海盗猫 2015-12-3 52179 coloriance 2018-10-11 12:41
[恐怖] 《吉屋》(2018) [720P/1080P] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-10-8 171652 elton 2018-10-8 15:35
[恐怖] 《第三只眼睛》Mata Batin (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-9-30 101907 elton 2018-10-4 01:25
[恐怖] 《成人婴儿的进攻》Attack of the Adult Babies (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-8-17 11645 261930575 2018-9-26 19:55
[恐怖] 《死亡之雪2/红色的雪2/死雪禁地2》Død Snø 2 (2014) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-6-7 55755 alan888 2018-9-23 18:59
[恐怖] 《史前巨鳄遗产》Lake Placid: Legacy (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment heatlevel  ...23456 Mario 2018-9-4 508871 vaio6688 2018-9-17 20:50
[恐怖] 《最后一次驱魔》The Last Exorcism (2010) [中英字幕] attachment 海盗猫 2015-12-17 52625 f1234567h 2018-9-6 11:00
[恐怖] 《姽婳》(2018) [1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-8-24 143003 sltom 2018-9-5 08:46
[恐怖] 《床下有人》Who Under The Bed (2011) [国语中字/941MB] attachment 海盗猫 2016-4-7 12069 fmy222 2018-8-26 13:50
[恐怖] 《最后一次驱魔2》The Last Exorcism Part II (2013) [中英字幕] attachment 海盗猫 2015-12-17 12266 fmy222 2018-8-26 12:56
[恐怖] 《灵动:鬼影实录3》Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2015-12-17 12360 fmy222 2018-8-26 12:53
[恐怖] 《魔鬼的门廊》The Devil's Doorway (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-7-13 174136 西红柿炒鸡蛋 2018-8-21 13:29
[恐怖] 《细思极恐》(2018) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-8-8 152046 jly6310 2018-8-16 08:52
[恐怖] 《灭绝:丧尸屠城》Extinction (2015) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 海盗猫 2015-8-17 194119 CAOYANGZI 2018-8-11 23:00
[恐怖] 《呢喃/窃窃私语》속닥속닥 (2018) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-8-7 142482 wzy12765 2018-8-9 22:16
[恐怖] 《吸血粘土》血を吸う粘土 (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-7-27 253514 shen1116 2018-7-31 17:44
[恐怖] 《灭绝:基因改造编年史》Extinction - The G.M.O. Chronicles (2010) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2016-5-11 91867 iamisis 2018-7-21 00:05
[恐怖] 《第三波》The Cured (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-14 103464 casey866 2018-7-20 08:34
[恐怖] 《少女怪谈/少女坟墓/怪谈少女》Mourning Grave (2014) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-1-18 12377 日曜星月 2018-7-14 15:49
[恐怖] 《萨德岭》The Invoking (2013) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-1-8 62160 1310550399 2018-7-13 20:39
[恐怖] 《房客》The Lodgers (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-2-23 165741 johnchin 2018-7-11 19:59
[恐怖] 《别敲两次门》Don't Knock Twice (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment 海盗猫 2017-2-4 43655 日曜星月 2018-7-10 17:18
[恐怖] 《去地狱的派对巴士》Party Bus to Hell (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-29 11347 sharks 2018-7-1 01:17
[恐怖] 《承诺/尸约》เพื่อนที่ระลึก (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-2-5 62789 chingkt72 2018-6-24 09:03
[恐怖] 《灵蚀/韦罗妮卡》Verónica (2017) [576P/720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-1-2 45376 棕榈之熊 2018-6-22 18:28
[恐怖] 《诡眼》アイズ (2015) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment 海盗猫 2015-12-23 12060 日曜星月 2018-6-21 17:31
[恐怖] 《食人族》Cannibal ferox (1981) [720P/1080P] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2016-8-20 6416255 zhuoqiwei5010 2018-6-1 00:56
[恐怖] 《噬童魔》The Hollow Child (2017) [720P] attachment Mario 2018-5-20 31707 elton 2018-5-23 00:05
[恐怖] 《灵殇》Maus (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-4 31542 gadzh 2018-5-21 12:35
[恐怖] 《鬼网/鬼網》(2018) [720P/1080P] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-6 21428 s123123123456 2018-5-10 01:04
[恐怖] 《上身》(2015) [720P/1080P] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-2-26 23015 ldc6501 2018-5-6 09:04
[恐怖] 《原始狂暴:大脚怪传奇》Primal Rage: The Legend of Oh-Mah (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-1 153209 apply 2018-5-6 08:32
[恐怖] 《面纱》The Veil (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2016-4-19 82536 zhyclark 2018-5-2 10:43
[恐怖] 《爱后余生》Hostile (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-5-1 01368 Mario 2018-5-1 22:02
[恐怖] 《复仇女神》The Furies (2019) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...234 Mario 2019-11-28 353437 aaa5544 2018-4-30 19:46
[恐怖] 《让我死/魍美》Net I Die (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-4-15 153392 holu 2018-4-29 00:35
[恐怖] 《野生狼性》Wildling (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-4-13 173623 popeye 2018-4-21 12:28
[恐怖] 《死产儿》Still/Born (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-4-11 61505 Justian 2018-4-17 14:17
[恐怖] 《灵动:鬼影实录外传》Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014) [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2015-12-17 123942 XGC820748443 2018-4-17 10:51
[恐怖] 《养鬼吃人10:审判》Hellraiser X: Judgement (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-2-16 94432 s123123123456 2018-3-21 18:24
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